laneMKTG 1st anniversary

Happy Anniversary

August marks the one year anniversary of laneMKTG. While this time last year, I envisioned this accomplishment to be followed by a party of some sort – this post will have to do!

This past year I have started a business, had a baby, weathered a pandemic and wandered down a path CHOCK FULL of learning experiences.

I have been thinking about what my goals should be as I enter year two of business. Frankly, what I thought was going to be my goal this time last year or even four months ago has been completely changed.

My goal now is really no goal. I think this “new world” we live in has made it evident that you have no clue what the future can hold and all you can do is prioritize today. Prioritize what is right in front of you.

So – my goal is to continue strengthening relationships. Prioritize people. My relationships, both personal and professional, are the only way I could have handled this past year. They are what I want to continue to nourish and cherish! No matter what is thrown your way, a strong support system is key and I am blessed to be able to say I have that.

Thank you to everyone who has supported laneMKTG this past year. Who knows what year two will bring us but I am excited to find out!

– President, Alex Lane

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